Setup your Domain
Setup your domain in ellis
Domain setup
Ellis can register a domain on your behalf and set it up specifically for email marketing. This setup includes setting up the necessary domain keys, dmarc, spf, dkim. Monitoring blocklists for your domain, monitoring for dmarc violation, unsubscribe tracking, and reputation and abuse monitoring.
Email Inbox Setup
Ellis setups up email inboxes on your ellis domain to send and receive mail. You can view the contents of these inboxes on the inbox tab inside of ellis. You don’t need to individually create and warm inboxes when using ellis, the platform handles this for you.
Navigate to the domain tab, click register, select a domain you like, enter the url you want it to redirect to (this can be changed later), enter the inbox name (this should match the name of the sender persona for your campaign. We suggest you keep this consistent with yourself). Then click register and ellis handles all of this for you.